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What sets us apart

Our Energy Exchange

Everything about The Radical Visionary Collective and its services are intuition-driven meaning nothing is cookie cutter here. We do not hold traditional sales models and are determined to stay in right relationship as a healing community that pulls from ancestral wisdom. The new age-y spiritual and coaching worlds has quickly grown to be exponentially extractive  and harmful. If practitioners are not in right relationship, cultural appropriation and indigenous erasure take place. As healers and cultural practitioners, we know healing must be done in community and acknowledge this medicine is not ours to gatekeep.


We value accessibility to healing and spiritual support so long as there is a fair energy exchange. Fam, if you love what you're reading, do not let your money trauma trick you into thinking you cannot access this medicine! Lean in, be brave. Ask & you shall receive! Based on what is discussed in a complimentary Spiritual Alignment call, we will arrange a payment schedule that feels good for all parties. Other forms of energy exchanges may be available and will be determined after a Clarity Call. 


In a Clarity Call, you will identify what no longer serves you, design a blueprint of the life you would love, and identify the next important steps towards your vision. This 90-minute session is valued at $500 but for our people, it is FREE till we are called into a different direction. Book your Clarity Call today!


Spiritual Life Coaching

Our life coaching services range from intimate group coaching to high level individual coaching. Trina is currently serving individuals who:

  • Are ready to stop playing small, up level their life and pursue their dream life!

  • Value social justice issues and want to create a sustainable approach to their purpose  work and personal life and, in many cases, learning to merge and align those areas

  • Seek to build a more holistic, conscious, expansive spiritual life including those who are deconstructing or decolonizing from religion

  • Seek healing and guidance navigating the waves of grief 

  • Want to learn more about or deepen their ancestral connection and/or intuition

  • Are mothers and/or caretakers having a hard time juggling the weight of expectations and daily life in a patriarchal society

  • Business owners, solo entrepreneurs, and professionals who want to re-imagine the culture of their organization  and align their personal life according to their values


In every program, expect inner healing by removing blockages, to learn how to keep your mindset at its highest frequency, strengthen your intuition, learn to serve from overflow, and live your best life by mastering universal transformational principles. Your best life starts now!


*Coaching programs change season to season as we are guided to respond to our community's needs. Hit the inquiry button below  for more info!

Healing Experiences: Ceremonies + Retreats

Healing was meant to be in community, not alone behind closed doors. The Radical Visionary Collective offers curated healing experiences to rest, reconnect to their higher powers, and return home rejuvenated with a clear vision and ongoing  for those who have reached a point in their spiritual journey. Healing is a verb, always in motion so we acknowledge actions paired with the purest intentions must take place to move forward in life.  Each ceremony is personalized and unique to the event.


Ceremonies include, but not limited to:


  • GRIEF + RE-MEMBERING CEREMONIES are best for grieving a death of a loved one, a miscarriage, a separation in relationship (living), honoring ancestors and beyond. This is very helpful if a funeral or memorial was unable to take place or one was unable to attend. 

  • BLESSINGS  & DEDICATIONS are for individuals stepping into a higher calling or celebrating life milestones such as healers stepping into their full power, new home, new job, marriage or relationship, newborns, birthdays and more.


Ceremonies range from small intimate settings to large gatherings. Live in-person healing ceremonies are available in the Bay Area. Virtual options are available as well. Pricing varies depending on needs. We  will always create ways to be financially accessible to our communities.


Click below to inquire for a consultation today!

Mountains Meet Lake


Capitalism, patriarchy and supremacy is always at work and they work on us. Hard. So much so, you may find your body and nervous system in constant dysregulation. This is the byproduct of colonial violence.  Nap Bishop Tricia Hearsy says, "Rest is resistance". To be able to manifest collective freedom, to serve the collective, to pursue justice work, we must rest. Resist the urge to push through another day and reclaim your right to rest. You are a human BE-ing, not a human DO-ing. The Radical Visionary Collective offers unique healing experiences to rest, reconnect to their higher powers, and return home rejuvenated with a clear vision and next steps.


In-person retreats curated by The Radical Visionary Collective are located in Northern California. Past retreat offerings featured healing hikes, breathwork, sound bath, releasing ceremonies, reiki, yoga, journaling and more. We have hosted many different types of retreats such as grief retreats, mother's rest retreats, leadership retreats, religious and spiritual retreats. It is important to us that all who enter into a retreat experience will be able to sustain and embody the teachings. Thus, all participants will be offered post-retreat support.


Services for customized retreats for companies and organizations are available as well. Please inquire below.

Guest Speaker + Workshop

For nearly two decades Trina has shared her stories to  empower and equip community leaders of all ages. In sharing profound life lessons, Trina can speak on array of topics:


  • The Power of Visioning

  • Faith + Social Justice + Decolonizing

  • The Intersections of Inner Healing, Spirituality, Mental Health

  • Conscious Leadership + Entrepreneurship

  • Ancestral Connection

  • Conscious Parenting/Mothering + Liberative Homeschooling 


 NOW is the time to support our leaders with the right tools to create a more loving, equitable, liberated world! 

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